I wanted something a little different this time to take to Fanø 2007 for the fish meeting. I saw a picture of a clown fish within an anemone and wondered how I could implement this on a kite.
I thought it would just be to difficult so I decided instead to turn it into a bol.
There are over 100 tentacles sewn on and there are four inflatable clown fish hiding amongst them. Two orange and two black. In real life they come in more than one colour.
The gray part I kept rough as it represents a rock on which the anemone lives on. The green is the anemone base and the tentacles stick out from there.
I have come up with a smaller version called the Clown Sock. [Click here] to take a look.
Also a short movie, of this bol, can be seen hosted on You Tube. Click the last image below or [Click Here] to watch it.

The real look