Liftit DIY

This is a 1.18 M2 Version.
This is another modification of the famous Parafoil.
I just wanted to change some of the dimensions that others have done over the years.
Let me walk you through the initial preparations of building one.
To start with, you are welcome to download all the images necessary to put one together.
Please take note that all the hems have a 1cm seam allowance, not including the front of the top and bottom surfaces as they have a 2cm hem allowance.
This is to make a stronger hem by using a double folded seam of 1cm.
When doing a larger size, multiply the measurements without the hem allowance.
All images are not drawn to scale, please keep that in mind, all measurements are correct.
The next step is to assemble it:
I have made a diagram that has all 11 seams in the correct order to assemble it. See Fig 5
Here is the list of the sewing order:
  1. Both Top surfaces with middle Rib (Total 3 panels)
  2. Right edge of Top surface with outer Rib. (Total 2 panels)
  3. Top surface with 3rd Rib (Total 2 panels)
  4. Top surface with 4th Rib (Total 2 panels)
  5. Left edge of Top surfacel with the other outer Rib (Total 2 panels)
  6. That takes care of all the curved seams. The rest is a lot easier.
    Although seam 8 has 4 panels so be carefull there. (Click for diagram)
  7. Right Rib is sewn onto bottom surface with right Fin as well. (Total 3 panels)
  8. Second rib is sewn onto bottom surface. (Total 2 panels)
  9. Center rib on to bottom panels with the center keel also. (Total 4 panels)
  10. Next is seam 9, rib onto lower surface, (Total 2 panels)
  11. Final is left rib onto lower surface with final left fin. (Total 3 panels)
  12. To do this proper, roll the kite up from right to left, leaving the left lower surface and the left Rib open and on top of each other. Place the left Fin in between the two panels and sew seam 10.
    So you will be sewing the kite inside the left outside cell. When done just pull right side out.
    (Click for diagram)
  13. This is the rear seam, simply double fold both the upper and bottom surfaces and sew them together. Fold it so the double fold is at the bottom surface of the kite.
The DIY images of the Liftit are below. (click to enlarge)
You are welcome to save these images and pass them on to others.
Sewing kites is not for everyone so should you be interested to purchase a ready made up one, please go to my Liftit page.